
madlibs, hellz yeah
February 25, 2009, 4:00 am
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Dear Kelly-Ann,
I don’t really know how to tell you this, but our romance is over. I think that night you picked your nose in your car, and I saw you ignore my father. I’m sure you’re open enough to understand that Santa doesn’t exist. I’m returning you toe ring to you, but I’ll keep your glass eye as a memory. You should also know that I never will forget that night and I’m scratching my butt as you read this.
Best of luck on the sex change,

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February 21, 2009, 7:18 pm
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“I want to open up a coffee shop with hos.”


“Like Ho-Bucks?


“No, like Hooters…. with coffee.”

this is beginning to become a trend
February 18, 2009, 9:53 pm
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Kelly-Ann (via AIM)

” it’s weird tho… cuz the guidebook is all like “and this place is really romantic”… and im like well i wanna go there but it seems awkward to go to a specially romantic spot… w/ your dad

i’m getting to be a pro at this…
January 16, 2009, 10:49 am
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I had two dreams last night, but I was too lazy to get up to write the first one down. Alas, I forgot almost all of it. Apparently, Kelly-Ann was buying a new car and there were balloons in it? I’m not sure if that’s right, so I’ll just pretend like that one didn’t exist…. or did it?

The dream that I did remember involved my Spanish class. We were in a field, in the fall (the grass was green and there were leaves allll over the place), and we had an assignment. Our assignment was pretty much to talk on camera without looking like a total ditz or any variation of the word. Our teacher had the camera, and we were just hanging out like normal while he would randomly come up to us. We would stop what we were doing, and talk into the camera. Of course, I tried to think of something intelligent to say, but I totally blanked when it was my turn. I didn’t even pay attention to the question, and I had no clue what to say. I was the last one to go, so after I “talked into the camera” (haha), we went back into the classroom.

While we were discussing the assignment, something came up about how I hadn’t payed attention to my question when it was my turn. I replied with, “Sorry. I have the attention span of a two year-old…. but I’m working on it!!” HAHA!

You know the drill.

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i had a feeling that this would happen…
January 14, 2009, 10:48 am
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This time, instead of forgetting the dream, I wrote it down in a notebook that I’ve started to keep on my night stand.

Okay. Kelly-Ann and I were together in a cabin type thing (maybe in the mountains? I’m not sure where we were). It was almost like a normal house. We are sitting at the table in the kitchen/living room area when two girls walk past us. They both have brown/pink hair and they are walking to their room. Kelly-Ann and I continue whatever we were doing (I don’t remember exactly what we were doing… I think that we were each drawing/writing something). We weren’t talking at all (this is important later haha).

A few minutes later, we hear one of the girls yelling “I WISH THAT THEY’D BE QUIET SO THAT I CAN SLEEP!” I was a bit confused, because we were the only ones there with them and we were silent. Then, the two girls walked by us to get to the fridge and one of them said it again. I ignored her, because she COULDN’T have been talking to us! They got whatever they wanted from the kitchen and returned to their room. Soon thereafter, one of the girls comes out again and starts yelling at us for being too loud. She looks at me at screams “SHUT UP, I’M SLEEPING!” Of course, I start yelling back. We got in a yelling fight and she started talking about her boyfriend and how he cheats on her and how he is much older than her. Then, she started yelling at Kelly-Ann and she said that she was jealous of Kelly-Ann’s boyfriend because he was WAY better than her own. Then I woke up.


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are we there yet?
January 1, 2009, 10:50 pm
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Kelly-Ann woke up this morning and told me about her dream, so I decided to analyze it!

First, she is hanging out with a lot of people in a large bathroom in the airport. Then, the customs guy from NY calls her to tell her that all of her international friends that were leaving from NY were trying to smuggle oranges and they were being held in custody. The guy just thought that they were dumb asses because they weren’t trying to smuggle anything dangerous, but they still had to question them and all of that fun stuff.

So then she was at the same airport as our friends, for some reason, and she was outside the interrogation room. They all left the room and some girl was crying and hugged her when she got out. She didn’t really know her, so it was awkward – she comforted her anyway.

Then they are on the plane and the stranger girl is sitting on her right and the pilot is sitting on her left. Kelly-Ann was showing something to the girl on her laptop when she started conversing with the pilot (who she says was very nice!). Then she noticed that the pilot was just driving the plane down the highway because for some weird reason, they could not take off.

The pilot started to get motion sick because he was only used to flying the plane, not driving it down the highway. He stopped the plane so that he could throw up. Nice. Apparently, Kelly-Ann says that the vomit was green and chunky and the “barf bag” was actually a special “barf bowl” with a liquid in it that masked the appearance of your puke.

Soon thereafter, Kelly-Ann and her friends exited the plane and began to jog to their destination. Kelly-Ann was jogging in front of the group with the pilot. She had a conversation with the pilot about how her sister’s boyfriend has his pilot’s license. Then, they talked about how he got his license. She thinks that she woke up right before he told her.

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dangerous, i know
January 1, 2009, 1:25 pm
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Last night, while we were getting ready to go out, my roommate came downstairs with a shirt in her hands. She told me that she wanted to wear it, but she was having problems. The shirt was a turtleneck… but the opening for her neck was really small. Never refusing a challenge, I said, “I can help you!” It was on like Donkey Kong!

I stretch out the neck as far as I can and we start to pull it over her head. It got stuck midway and she looked very “Cornholio”-esque (kudos if you know what I’m talking about). We continued to force the shirt on and it finally goes over her head.

She immediately put her hand on her neck and said, “OW! I think I pulled a muscle!” Think about it… explaining to your friends about your strained neck muscle. “OH HEY! What happened?” “Uh, I was getting dressed…”

Great start to the night 😉